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Mini-Sessions for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month?

Did you know that “11,630 children in the United States under the age of 15 will be diagnosed with cancer in 2013” (source)?

Do you know a child who has lost their fight against cancer? Do you know a child who is battling for their life right now?

I do.

And it breaks my heart. Completely and utterly breaks it. As a mother I just can’t even fathom what it must feel like to be told your child has cancer. It’s completely unfair. A nightmare.

In honor of Childhood Cancer Awareness month I will be offering mini-sessions during the entire month of September. I will be donating 30% of all proceeds to St. Baldrick’s Foundation.

Sessions will be held at your choice of 3 locations across Chicago – LaBagh Woods, Montrose Harbor and Humboldt Park. Sessions will mostly be held on weekends, with limited weekday sessions available in the evenings by request.

Send an email to rebeccahellyerphotography@gmail.com if you are interested.

And please, share this with everyone you know. Let’s raise as much money as we can for this great organization!!

Did you also know that I am a participating photographer for The Gold Hope Project? The Gold Hope Project gives families fighting childhood cancer complimentary photo sessions to help raise awareness and funds for the battle against pediatric cancer. It’s an awesome organization, and one that I am honored to be a part of. You should go check out their website and be sure to pass their information along — they have participating photographers all over the world. I’m sure that each one of you knows someone who would cherish the services of this fantastic organization.

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